Post graduate studies

Post graduate studies Hello, welcome to my last blog entry. This time I will tell you that they are my projections regarding my studies. Really my goal is to continue studying and to learn as much as possible. My interests follow the course of dentistry. Although I am not yet an expert on the subject, I am very interested in cosmetic, forensic dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, but I have not yet fully decided which one to choose. I would like to continue specializing at the Universidad de Chile, however, I do not rule out doing a doctorate outside of Chile, such as Europe, for example. In addition, I would like to learn new languages, I am very interested in German or Portuguese, because in addition to learning, speaking more than one language opens many doors. I honestly do not like distance education, so I would clearly opt for something face-to-face, since I consider it the best way to specialize and continue learning. Thanks for reading! :)